Evolution of ‘Y’

Booklet Design

Booklet Design


For class, I created a booklet on the letter ‘Y’. This booklet discusses the origins of ‘Y’ and how this letter came to be. It also outlines the significance and design over time.


Dream it.

This project was not only informative but it allowed me to uncover the origins of the letter ‘Y’ as well as understand the design and how it came to be. At first, I thought the idea of being assigned a simple letter was boring and I didn’t look forward to it. However, I was proven wrong as I got to experiment with different typefaces and design a booklet based around the letter as a whole. Who would’ve known the letter ‘Y’ was this engaging!

Build it.

I used Adobe Illustrator to create the cover of the booklet. I used Adobe Indesign to create the contents and the pages inside. The design of the booklet is very simple and easy-going. I wanted to make sure I kept things as free as possible so that the information isn’t taken away from. However, the design still exists and looks good. I chose two warm colours as they complimented each other and looked great throughout.

 Bonus: Poster Design!


View Process work and PDF

Posters by Eman Imran

